For Your Church
No matter how small or big it may be... whether you have 100 people, hundreds of people, THOUSANDS, or less than 20....
....for your Church & ministries to grow, people should easily find you, have a favorable perception of you, and be drawn to connect, stay, & grow with you. www.SeekOrServe.com is designed to fully maximize the effectiveness of these three key elements of Church growth, while at the same time minimize the amount of effort & investments required to be successful. Too many times we Church leaders work hard - TOO hard - only to achieve poor, mediocre, or less than desirable results. But it's not about working "hard." It's about working SMART...
www.SeekOrServe.com is an immensely powerful Church Growth system that employs Search Engine Optimization (so people can easily find your Church), Reputation Management (so people have a favorable perception of your Church), & Organic Relational Cultivation (so people are drawn to connect, stay, and grow with your Church), with all 3 factors revolving around the marketing genius inherent in Jesus Christ's command to love each other (John 13:34-35).
It requires only one minute a month from people in your congregation, and also provides a way to obtain FREE items & services. So if anybody says their schedule is full, they won't really have any excuse with something that requires only one minute out of a whole month. And if someone is not necessarily in the mood to love others, they will still have the incentive of getting things for FREE. But then again, obeying Jesus Christ's command to love should be MORE than enough of a good reason to act, right?
The goal of www.SeekOrServe.com is to equip Churches to become significant connecting points where people obey The Lord's command to love (John 13:34-35), and to do so in such a way that Church growth becomes INEVITABLE, EXPONENTIAL, & UNSTOPPABLE....and growth not just in terms of numbers, but in terms of HEALTH...we're talking about a Jesus-loving, people-caring, fully thriving, community impacting, gospel spreading, smoothly functioning, life-transforming Church!